
Thursday, February 25, 2010

List of Particles by Force Interaction

The binary digit at the beginning is representative of each of the four forces in the universe.
Gravity, Weak, Electromagnetic, Strong

0100 - 2 - W Boson, Z Boson
0010 - 4 - Photon
1110 - 7 - Lepton
0001 - 8 - Gluon
1111 - 15 - Quark

Numeric Ascending

0000 - 0 -
1000 - 1 -
0100 - 2 - W Boson, Z Boson
1100 - 3 -
0010 - 4 - Photon
1010 - 5 -
0110 - 6 -
1110 - 7 - Lepton
0001 - 8 - Gluon
1001 - 9 -
0101 - 10 -
1101 - 11 -
0011 - 12 -
1011 - 13 -
0111 - 14 -
1111 - 15 - Quark

1000 - 1 -
1100 - 3 -
1010 - 5 -
1110 - 7 - Lepton
1001 - 9 -
1101 - 11 -
1011 - 13 -
1111 - 15 - Quark


0100 - 2 - W Boson, Z Boson
1100 - 3 -
0110 - 6 -
1110 - 7 - Lepton
0101 - 10 -
1101 - 11 -
0111 - 14 -
1111 - 15 - Quark


0010 - 4 - Photon
1010 - 5 -
0110 - 6 -
1110 - 7 - Lepton
0011 - 12 -
1011 - 13 -
0111 - 14 -
1111 - 15 - Quark


0001 - 8 - Gluon
1001 - 9 -
0101 - 10 -
1101 - 11 -
0011 - 12 -
1011 - 13 -
0111 - 14 -
1111 - 15 - Quark

Gauge Bosons

Gauge bosons are a type of elementary particle. They are bosons, which means that they are particles with 1 spin that follow Bose–Einstein statistics.

Gauge bosons are carriers of three of the four fundamental forces (Weak, Electromagnetic, Strong) in the univers. It is not known if Gravity is carried by a gauge boson or another hypothetical particle.

Types of Gauge Bosons
W boson - Weak force
Z boson - Weak force
Photon - Electromagnetic force
Gluon - Strong force


Glouns are a type of elementary particle. They are gauge bosons, which means that are particles with 1 spin that follow Bose–Einstein statistics.

Carrier of Strong force
Forces Participating in: Strong
Not Participating in: Gravity, Weak, Electromagnetic

Types of Gluons


Quarks are a type of elementary particle.  They are fermions, which means they are particles with 1/2 spin and are subject to Fermi-Dirac statistics.

Forces Participating in: Gravity, Weak, Electromagneti, Strong
Not Participating: None




Fermions are a type of elementary particle. They have 1/2 spin, and obey Fermi-Dirac statistics.

One of the defining properties that distinguishes fermions from bosons is that no two fermions may share a quantum state. As quantum state includes dimensions, no two fermion particles can occupy the same space. Bosons, on the other hand, can share quantum states with other particles, meaning multiple bosons can be in the same space at once.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Mass to Energy Transfer

Is the transformation from mass to pure energy sufficiently stable to allow for a transfer of information regarding a life form matrix from it's massy form into energy?

 If a one-for-one correlation could be made between Hadrons acting as mass and the form of energy mass becomes (mix of photons or gluons), then would it be possible to take every particle that constituted a living being, and calculate the transformation into pure energy?

If one could maintain that energy matrix in exactitude, and then transform it back into matter, then travel at the speed of light is possible. Because matter cannot be sped up to the speed of light, why not just annihilate it into pure energy? If the grid were able to be guided (meaning if conscious thought were possible), then a being going the speed of light would be able to do anything light could.

Quantum theory states that any particles going the speed of light are everywhere in the universe at once.
Non-locality is a theory that says instant communication between photons is possible.

A being made of photons, which are everywhere in the universe at once, could communicate with any other area in the universe. It would essentially replicate itself in another place, and then cease vibration in the original location. Although technically this being would be a new entity, the replication process would be perfect and indistinguishable from the original.

Can there be dirt in energy form?
Well, technically there wouldn't be "dirt" but rather a photonic/gluonic semblance of "dirt" particles that had made the transformation. It would only technically become "dirt" again when the now energy being was able to resume a massy form.

Assuming it could make the transformation back.

Could a Life Form Matrix be stable enough to allow a transformation back to mass?