
Friday, February 19, 2010

What is a Quantum?

Quantum simply refers to, the smallest thing that can't be further divided.

A quantum (plural quanta) can refer to anything within a particular system. As the smallest divisible unit, one suddenly sees that every formula regarding that unit will be multiples of that unit itself.

Think about it this way: Take the numbers starting at 1 and counting up. 1, 2, 3 etc. Using the number 1 as your base unit. Every number is simply 1 plus 1 plus 1....etc. So the number 24 is made up of twenty four 1s. Now imagine that it is impossible to divide 1 into and type of fraction. 1 cannot be divided. Got it?

In this example, 1 is a quantum.

Now think about this. What is the smallest building block in the universe? Once upon a time, people believed it was the atom. Then, they discovered neutrons and protons and electrons made up atoms. So they thought protons were the building blocks. But then they realized protons were made up of quarks. They haven't been able to break down a quark, and so quarks are the building blocks of the universe.

So quantum physics is all about quarks? Well, turns out quarks aren't alone in the universe.

There are also leptons and bosons.

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